Posts in Postwar New York
We Won’t Move!: An Interview with Maggie Schreiner

We Won’t Move! An Interview with Maggie Schreiner

Maggie Schreiner, interviewed by Katie Uva

Right now, New York City is attempting to recover from the pandemic, more populous than ever before, and facing exorbitant housing costs. It seems… both booming and in crisis at the same time,… What are some ways the history featured in We Won’t Move! should inform our understanding of housing in New York in the present?

The tenant protections and affordable housing programs which we have today are primarily the result of grassroots organizing and advocacy. While the power of real estate capital can seem overwhelming, We Won’t Move aims to demonstrate the political power of tenants, and to offer an understanding of NYC’s rich history of tenant organizing as an inspiration and strategic tool.

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Haitian Refugees, ACT UP New York, and the Transnational Dimensions of Local Organizing for AIDS Housing

Haitian Refugees, ACT UP New York, and the Transnational Dimensions of Local Organizing for AIDS Housing

 By Maggie Schreiner

…as small numbers of people started being released from Guantánamo under interim orders; the lawyers didn’t know how to arrange for supportive housing. A group in New Jersey had housed the first few people who had been freed, but as a plane carrying an HIV-positive Haitian child and his grandmother approached Newark Airport, the organization backed out of the arrangement. Unless alternate housing could be found immediately, the two would be returned to Guantánamo…

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Working Class Utopias: A History of Cooperative Housing in New York City by Robert M. Fogelson, and Freedomland: Co-Op City and the Story of New York by Annemarie H. Sammartino

Working Class Utopias": A History of Cooperative Housing in New York City and Freedomland: Co-op City and the Story of New York

Reviewed by Nicholas Dagen Bloom

To understand why local cooperatives rank so low in progressive housing discourse, it’s worth reading either of the excellent books under review. Annemarie Sammartino’s Freedomland provides a socially informed history of Co-op City, chronicling its triumphs and travails, with particular attention to resident experiences and long-term outcomes. Legendary urban history Robert M. Fogelson’s Working-Class Utopias offers readers a comprehensive account of the New York cooperative movement, giving special attention to the spectacular collapse of Co-op City’s finances during the 1975-76 rent strike. Both books capture the complexity, and nearly insuperable challenges, faced by cooperative sponsors, state officials, and residents in sustaining communal housing.

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Saving the Bronx River: An Excerpt From South Bronx Rising: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of An American City

Saving the Bronx River: An Excerpt From South Bronx Rising: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of An American City

By Jill Jonnes

Until the 21st century, few residents of New York City, much less the South Bronx, even knew there was a Bronx River, the City’s only river.  And why would anyone know? For more than a century, the banks and flowing waters of the lower Bronx River had long been largely fenced-off and out of sight behind an almost-solid wall of riverfront factories, gargantuan scrap metal yards, sprawling warehouses, and parking lots (including, starting in 1967, the massive Hunts Point wholesale food market). The lower five miles of the twenty-three mile river below the New York Botanic Garden and Bronx Zoo served as an industrial dump and sewer, its few access points blocked by gigantic mounds of submerged cars, worn-out tires, less identifiable garbage, and rusting junk…

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The Fulton Fish Market: A History

The Fulton Fish Market: A History

Reviewed by Joshua Specht

From roughly 1850 to 1950, Fulton Market would dominate wholesale fish provisioning in the United States and much of the country’s fish would pass through Fulton…As the market supplied itself from more distant locales, Fulton’s ecological impact widened. … wholesalers had to look further and further away and develop more and more complex means of preserving and moving fish. … the length and complexity of this process served to obscure the ecological impact of food—consumer appetites were, after all, destroying ecosystems a world away.

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(Podcast) Bob Dylan’s New York: A Historic Guide

(Podcast) Bob Dylan’s New York: A Historic Guide

Dick Weismann, interviewed by Robert W. Snyder

Bob Dylan first set foot in the Village in 1961, and even as he continues to make music, you can argue that his Greenwich Village years in the 1960s were a formative period in his life and work. Dick Weissman’s new book, Bob Dylan’s New York: A Historic Guide, published by the State University of New York Press, helps fans and students of Dylan walk the streets where his career took off.

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“Fellow Citizens Too”: Puerto Ricans and Migration Politics in the New York Amsterdam News, 1954

“Fellow Citizens Too”: Puerto Ricans and Migration Politics in the New York Amsterdam News, 1954

By Daniel Acosta Elkan

On March 1, 1954, four Puerto Rican nationalists opened fire on the members of the House of Representatives from the gallery of the body’s chamber in Washington DC. This was but the most dramatic event in an important year for the Puerto Rican diaspora, and its effects were felt in profoundly local ways. In East Harlem, the most prominent stateside Boricua community, the FBI conducted a number of raids on bars, restaurants, and other community spaces. The New York Amsterdam News, the city’s leading Black newspaper, reported that “Negroes and Puerto Ricans are reportedly being rounded up, searched, and subjected to other indignities.”

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New Ways to Understand  Robert Moses: An Interview with Katie Uva and Kara Murphy Schlichting

New Ways to Understand Robert Moses: An Interview with Katie Uva and Kara Murphy Schlichting

By Robert W. Snyder

If you teach courses on New York City’s history, or just have a passing interest in its past, you are sure to come across Robert A. Caro’s biography The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York. Published in 1974, it remains influential and informs an exhibit at the New-York Historical Society, echoes into David Hare’s new play Straight Line Crazy, and appears conspicuously in Zoom conversations on the bookshelves of politicians and journalists.

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New York City “600” Schools and the Legacy of Segregation in Special Education

New York City “600” Schools and the Legacy of Segregation in Special Education

By Francine Almash

In 1947 the New York City Board of Education announced the first centralized program for delinquent and maladjusted youth, known as the “600” schools (for their number designation). The “600” schools were the result of coordinated efforts beginning in the 1920s that linked the NYC Board of Education, the Bureau of Educational Measurements, which promoted psychological testing to aid in the education of “emotionally handicapped” children, and the New York City Children’s Courts, which gave judges the authority to act as surrogate parents to a growing number of “at-risk” youth.

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“The Avant-Groove”: Excerpt from No Sounds Are Forbidden: Music, Noise, and the Eclipse of American Modernism.

“The Avant-Groove”: Excerpt from No Sounds Are Forbidden

By Matthew Friedman

Morton Subotnick arrived in New York in the fall of 1966 already a giant of the burgeoning avant-garde music scene. Together with composer Ramon Sender, a tape recorder, scattered equipment borrowed from a local high school or through a fortuitous connection with the local Ampex representative, and support from Mills College, he had built the San Francisco Tape Music Center into a force in electronic music rivaling the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (CPEMC), uptown.

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